How to Cover the Fixed Costs

We tried to, but unfortunately they’ve been bought a long time ago by squatters.

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I created another thread about this on the forum before I saw this thread but I stand by what I’ve posted - unlike most people I know several of the founders of CS personally and seen what happened from the inside - I’m urging those running this project no to repeat the same mistake CS made, Trustroots and BeWelcome are also making - which is putting the value of time over a few dollars.

Still wanted to come back to this idea, because I think it’s an aspect that could make the foundation’s work not only valuable to individuals, but also to institutions (and attract donations or grants from them). Similar to Wikimedia, that offers the wiki software for anyone to install, i could imagine a range of entities interested in a host/guest platform, that they could use just with their community . Let’s say universities, that want to offer new students the possibility to stay with other students for their first week/month. Or political parties/associations, that hold a member meeting and would have local members interested in hosting visiting ones. Or the christian churches, they heavily propagate homestaying for international church events, but as far as I know don’t have an own platform.


It’s a very interesting idea but I think we should approach this idea on its inherent merit and implications rather than on its ability to make money. Introducing institutions as users would be a big deal with various effects. Perhaps start a new topic on it?

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