I think a freemium model has a big downside in that it introduces a constant motive to distinguish website features and address the userbase as two different groups. I think we will stay more focused if we always think of one platform and one main userbase we want to provide a great service for. There’s certainly creative ways to raise money and receive donations that can stay entirely independent from the core product we offer. If you have ideas in this direction, we actually have a dedicated topic on donations and how to best raise money already: Do you think asking for any kind of donation is a good idea?
About the website being built and run for free, I’d like to stress the point that had been raised by @Emily in her first response: it entirely depends on the dedication and work of hosts, organisers and volunteers. The discussion about raising money easily suggests that this work is something we can get for free, just because no exchange of money is involved there. But it is actually the central contribution and donation we depend on. When thinking about about what makes the platform sustainable and self-supporting, attracting these contributions is the most important aspect and question to me.
Thinking about it, I’ll actually open a dedicated topic on this: Which tools and processes can we offer, that make it easy and rewarding to be an active contributor? If you have thoughts on this or experienced a good model already, please join the conversation there