Last seen/Read messages

So far I like the features especially Last seen and read messages. It is better to show the last seen as ‘yesterday’ or today rather than 2 hours ago which makes away the privacy.

Another thing I liked was that you dont know if you are message has been read or not. I liked this feature on CS too. It gives a freedom to the other person to reply to your messages or not.

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• Last seen.
While searching for host on CS I always prefer to choose “last login” filter ( due a number of “dead souls” across platform) instead of “experience” or “best match” .
So I can get In Touch with people who r really active and get feedback on time.

• Read messages
I never felt a great need of this option. I assume that if person was active today and I sent my message three days ago there was an obvious chance to read it and reply. Cuz it’s not an instant messaging app so I’m sure non of us getting a hundreds of overwhelming letters.
I do prefer thou to be rejected than ignored (especially when u r looking for a host and have to go through lots of reading and writing, sometimes under certain pressure or limits).
Cuz it’s always confusing when u see a person “active” but never reacting to ur request.