Couch and travel buddies in Chicago

Hi there.

I am a solo traveler and travel vlogger.

I am planning to spend 3-5 days in Chicago (exact dates TBC)

Looking for a couch to crash on.

Also, planning to go hiking in the Starved Rock State park as a day trip from Chicago so looking to team up with someone who has a car and also loves hiking.

DM me if this sounds like you

Hey there! Usually I’d redirect you to the discussions in the Chicago community, but I see that there isn’t one yet :slight_smile: I’ll leave this up for now - hopefully you find someone to meet up with or a couch to crash. I’m assuming you’ve already sent out a bunch of couch requests?

Well, I wanted to do that but sending couch requests requires me to enter dates which I don’t know yet. I’d like to see what opportunities exist so I can plan my trip around that. I normally wing it when I travel and don’t really know the dates ahead of time so haven’t been able to connect with hosts just yet. This is why I posted out here as an open post in hopes to strike a conversation and see what comes out of it.

I receive hosting requests fairly often that say something like “Ignore the exact dates above. I haven’t actually decided on any yet, and I’m flexible. I’m looking to travel later this month/summer/etc.” Maybe try that if you don’t have any luck? My guess is you would have more success that way.

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Oh interesting. Maybe I’ll try enter arbitrary dates and add a note like that. Let’s see if I can connect with some folks this way. Thanks for the tip!