Couchsurfing for settled people

I’m seeing a lot of feedback about this in our signup forms, so I just wanted to resurrect the topic while it’s fresh and there are new members coming to the forum.

What kind of tools can we add to make couch-surfing easier for families? I’m seeing a lot of suggestions for filters or “family” profiles and I think those ideas are great… not sure how easy those are to implement in practice, but the more you can customize your experience, the better!

If we look at when started (around 2006) and now, it’s a 15-year trajectory. I’m sure there are much more hosts/surfers with families now then there were then. If it’s not too bold to say, I would also suggest that “settling down” or having a family was a major barrier to using CS in general and would be a cause for people to leave the site. Maybe there is an important gap to fill there.