Favorite Profiles

A feature that I think could be really helpful would be a way to “favorite” profiles. That way, if you see someone on the map open to hosting/meeting where you’ll be traveling and they seem really cool, you can more easily find their profile again closer to your trip date. I have not previously been involved with any hospex platforms so I’m still learning the etiquette, but I’ve read that it’s best to reach out to people around 2 weeks prior to your trip? Hopefully a feature like this would cut down on people making requests too far in advance while planning their trips.

Also, I think some people new to hospex platforms may misinterpret the friend request system as a way to make connections for future travel, so the favoriting feature would hopefully cut down on that as well.

It could even be really helpful to be able to arrange favorited profiles into separate lists, which would make tentatively planning multi-destination trips easier. Let me know what you think :)!


Yes, I also think we should have some way to bookmark profiles or even more generally, bookmark any page (like profiles, events, city pages,…). Do we still have a public long-term roadmap or list of planned fetaures? Now I only see the roadmap for the coming weeks on the blog.


I like the idea too!


I love this idea too! There are plans to be able to “bookmark” a profile and add a private note (that only you can see) so you remember why you bookmarked it.

This feature will likely be implemented a little later since we’re still working on rolling out events and additional features within communities.


I like the idea very much!

I can see this to be a great tool for all people planning their trips.
And from the perspective of a host I would rather have my profile bookmarked than be spammed with friend requests (that I would also very unlikely confirm if we haven’t met in person).