Hi all
Hope all happy well and ok
Can someone please tell me how i see someones references and also my own as i can not seem to figure it out
Cheers Avi
Finding References
Instructions for desktop (not mobile) 22nd August 2022.
Instructions to find your own refs:
- Go to https://couchers.org
- Click on profile picture / 3 horizontal bars top-right
- Click the “references” tab
Instructions to find your friend’s refs:
- Go to https://couchers.org
- Click on profile picture / 3 horizontal bars top-right
- Click the “my connections” button on the left, under your profile pic
- Find the friend whose references you want to see and click their profile picture
- This will take you to their profile
- Once on their profile, click the “references” tab
To find a stranger’s references:
- Use map search to find their profile
- Once on their profile, click the “references” tab
- If they don’t have any references (not many people do yet) nothing will show up in their references tab.
- Shortcut to references - replace a user’s username in the following URL:
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Thankyou Gjw
For the enlightennent of finding references it was not an EGO part on my behalf jusy curiosity nothing more than that and to slso understant the entirety of the couchers site
Again thank you for this information