I'm tired of the mainstream social media so why can't we replace them with the meaningful platform we're using and can Coucher, BeWelcome, Trustroot merge?

“I’m tired of the mainstream social media so why can’t we replace them with the meaningful platform we’re using and can Coucher, BeWelcome, Trustroot merge?”

Yes, just as the title said, ah yes, the volunteering page of Trustroot did talk about the merge… but… https@//github@com/trustroots/nostroots (@ = : & .)

And I’m also working with the project and the senior developers like this :

"Hej everyone, we’re thinking to build a social media platform with hospitality services in design, through calendars (tradition, innovative events, rituals and values) to connect with the different interest groups and hopefully to bridge the difference, a meaningful platform that our time lacks, the mainstream failed to fulfill, a globe map with users on it but without borders… a platform which the active users can design for our future.

Feel free to make contact with us if you are also thinking something like this : https@//revpub@gcdo@org/

Principles Document of Global Community Development Organization

(or Telegram : F@li@ppy@tzmtw if you find no one to reply in time, ah yes just remove the @)

--- Here are the volunteering pages ---
