Invite to events

Until few years ago in CS I created and hosted events. My events were all theme based - either about teaching, learning, sharing information, or doing some sort of activity outdoors.

A great feature related to events that the website of CS had at that time was that the member who created the event had the possibility to do a keyword based search of members within a radius of circa 200 km from the location where the event was set to start and invite any member to participate to the event in question if the event creator considered that the event could be of interest of that member.

Lets say that I organize a two-days trekking in a specific area on the mountains. Once set up the event page with all the information I want to provide to potential participants, I had the possibility to perform searches for specific people that could be interested in participating in my event using keywords like “hiking”, “trekking”, “mountains”, “camping”, “adventure” or any other keyword that my brain could consider relevant to my event, and once found them I could simply press an “Invite to event” button to invite them to participate if they want. When pressed the “Invite to Event” button, the website was sending instantly an email to that given member containing a summary of the event page and a link to the event page on the website from which they had the possibility to either accept or decline.

When CS removed this feature and replaced it with the possibility to invite only people that a member had on its Friends list I stopped organizing events because it was too difficult to find people that had specific interests/hobbies and I did not organize anymore.

In case the development team haven’t thought about something like this already, maybe is an idea worth to consider :wink:


That sounds like a great feature to give more visibility to events! But maybe it’s better to give users the choice to opt-in?

Let’s say you can choose interests in this tag-style fashion: hiking camping concerts… then you could have an option in the profile preferences like:

I want to to be notified of events that match my interests!
Radius: ___ km

That could also give more meaning to picking interests in general. Could also have that option selected by default with some standard radius and users can just opt-out easily or change the radius.

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I like the ability to opt-in! In the early stages of the platform I think everyone should be opted in by default for all events (since events will be sparse to start) but always give people the option to opt-out if they want. In later versions we could introduce a feature to allow people to receive notifications of events based upon interests. This will be especially nice for people who live in densely populated areas – or highly-active communities – so they don’t get inundated by event notifications.