Is Couchers Invisible?

i’ve gotten 5 Bewelcome requests this month so far, i never get Bewelcome requests, but i guess ever since CS added the paywall i guess alternatives are more popular, but for some reason i’ve only gotten 1 Couchers request so far and that was like last summer

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Climbatiz, I think the main difference (for now at least) is that Bewelcome has more (active) members than couchers.
Couchers is still starting and growing where Bewelcome is more or less established.

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Well anyone who stays with me via BeWelcome gets to hear about at least 3 or 4 times before they leave. :wink: Maybe I should consider bumping that up to 7 or 8 times?

But really, I’m finding working in phrases like “my last Couchers were…” or “I use a few different platforms, you know the usual ones like CS, Couchers…” is enough to spark some questions and point people in the right direction.

I’m excited for all the more sophisticated efforts towards promoting the site that are yet to come too, but in general I think as long as we’re building the platform that people want, they’re going to find it and join sooner or later.