Regular Online Event

If there are relevant and pertinent topics that need to be discussed, then maybe it can be a good idea to post in advance here the list of topics that will be covered in each coming online meeting, this way one knows that if what has to say can be useful to the rest of community should participate :wink:

We can also have a weekly event, but alternate times?

Good idea! We will probably have some online events to specifically discuss certain topics, and in those cases we will post the topics here. But so far meetings have just been social, but naturally develop into various topics involving the Couchers platform.

Yes! This is the plan. We are currently trying to find some good times that work for most people and will announce the events here soon.

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Hey guys,
So when is the next meet? :smiley:

Hi Push! I’m going to publish it soon… was just waiting to see if I could find a time that suited a lot of people!

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Hey Emily
Thanks for your quick reply
I will be waiting.