Hey all! We’re having a weekly online social event in about one hour. Hope to see you there!
Hey all! This online social event is in about 10 mins. Hope to see you there!
This event is in about 2 hours! Hope to see you there
I’ve seen a few new members around this week, probably stopped by from recent mention about us on Reddit. We’d love to see new faces! If the time doesn’t suit you, just a quick reminder that at the top of this thread you can enter a time that works best for you
Otherwise catch you around in the replies
I will attend the meeting this week.
Looking forward to catching up about your trip, Push!
Thanks and I am looking forward to catching up with all of you. btw, is it possible to have tomorrow’s call on Zoom? I keep getting disconnected from gmeet calls
Good question Push! I’ll keep ya posted!
Okay, we were able to secure a free Zoom link for us to use, @Push-K! I will update the thread link too but here it is for anyone else planning to join –
Starts in approximately 40 minutes!
We’re still here if anyone is around.
Sorry guys, I had a meeting till late last night and I slept really late so I couldn’t wake up early to attend the meeting. I will for sure attend the next week’s meeting :D. Sorry about today. I asked for a zoom meeting and I couldn’t attend it.
All good, we managed! Hope to see you next week. Take care of yourself and get rested!
Hello! Just a note that this event is in 20 minutes here’s the link!
Super…looking forward. In case if I have same technical issues with Gmeet, can we switch to Zoom?
Maybe! Hahah
Hi all! I’m not going to be able to attend the meeting at the current time anymore - currently deciding if we should change the time or if someone else is going to take it over
Thoughts welcome on times! Or choose the times that work for you here.
Hey guys…is there any meeting today?
No meeting today, sorry. @Emily can’t make it because she moved timezones, so we’re in the process of finding a better time for it
Alright. fair enough. Let me know when you decide the time (hope the time will be feasible for me to attend the meeting)
Yes, thanks. We’re trying to find a time that would suit. I know you like coming to this one and it’s great to see you there, it’s definitely a priority!