I had stored that a long long time ago, while mourning past features:
Searching profiles:
Searching friends of friends
Searching members in the same groups
The Search result was a list of up to 50 profiles, with much more info (left: side photo name location last login - middle: age occupation introduction - right: number of friends and references - below: common groups
Search with a map location
Nearby travellers
Search people within groups
How many emails we have been exchanging when visiting profiles, and access to mailbox history between friends
Last login location
Countries I want to go, countries I’m going to
Photo folders
HTML on profiles (we used to have drop-down menu for our hosting/surfing/travelling experiences
Number of visits on a profile
Chat which was really elaborated!
Vouching system
Ambassador system
Contact list and notes about profiles, sorting by country, able to see the number of occurrences in each category
from very positive to very negative (5 options including neutral)
could be about travelling and we could sort references through “hosting”, “surfing” AND “travelling"
indicating the day which was written, and not only the month
while putting a reference, we were asked how many nights we officially stayed
References were appearing entirely (not limited to 10 then next page, same for the friend list)
7 levels of friendship including: never met, acquaintance, friend, good friend, best friend
Sorting friends by levels of friendship rather than from the oldest profiles
Group moderators cannot update a picture anymore
Group moderators cannot remove members of the groups anymore
Group moderators cannot see the full list of group members anymore
Introducing the vouching system: we need a little amount of people from the base of the website to get 3 vouches and they distribute around to the people that are reliable, one can only vouch another if they have 3 vouches. I still have my 51 vouches displayed on CS, I’m a pioneer, a CS Nomadic Amb since 2007, a group moderator, a greeter, a travel organiser, an experience enhancer, an inspiring individual,…