Open Town Hall

We will be starting a monthly Open Town Hall as part of an effort to get better feedback from our user base and understand what you need from the platform, what we’re doing well, and what we need to improve on. You’ll be able to voice your thoughts, opinions, concerns & compliments, and any other feedback you have.

The Open Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to meet the Core Team and ask us any questions about the project, our direction, our roadmap, the state of development, what we’re working on, and what we’re currently prioritizing. The event will be open to everyone, and will run every fourth Sunday of the month from 19:00 UTC to 20:00 UTC.

The meeting will start with a brief update on progress in the last month, and will then continue in a Question & Answer style where members of the community will have a chance to ask questions and we will do our best to answer them. Brief minutes will be posted on our blog after each meeting.


Super excited for this! Can’t wait to hear all the ideas and feedback!


We’ve added notes on the first town hall on the blog: First Open Town Hall |

Let me know if there’s any issues with that, and see you all at the next one on the 25th of July at 14:00 UTC!


Next town hall is tomorrow at 14:00 UTC. See you all there :slight_smile:

Town hall is today at 14:00 UTC. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Starting now!

Next Open Town Hall coming Sunday on 14:00 UTC!

See the event card to RSVP, check your local time and follow the zoom link.

If you have any questions for the team, please leave them below. Thank you. 🙏🏽

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Is there an event created in
Also the link to the Open Town Hall is quiet hard to find I think.

Hi all, apologies but none of the leadership can make this time, so we’ll have to cancel this one. We’ll see you next month!

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Hi everyone, we’ve chamged the ongoing time for the town hall to better suit the team.

Unfortunately there is no time that will work for everybody, but if you can’t make it please leave your questions here so we can get to them, and we’ll distribute recordings of the town hall.


Thanks to everyone who joined today. Recording can be found here:
recording link
Passcode: P!0M.?+V

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I keep missing them, these have probably already been addressed but I need clarification :blush:

  1. I get requests from ppl who do not fill out thier profiles.

is there a way that they cannot request a stay without already having filled out some required information?

  1. I recently got a request from someone who lives in my own hometown and needed a place to stay for a couple days. Due to work and being broke.

although I was torn because I care, I know this is not the platform for that. How do we keep CS from turning into a different platform altogether?
And how do you handle these situations?

Much Appreciation!



Hi all,
Will there be a town hall meeting this month?

I am new to couchers (CS veteran before the for profit fiasco) and excited to see this platform and community bring back the true CS spirit.


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hi arunan, im also kinda new here and fed up with couchsurfing

i also dont see any future online events in couchers

hope all is ok:)? i dont like bewelcome UI (User Interface),couchers is more user friendly, but i dont see much volunteering to build live communities serving nomads and travellers (versus tourists)