To me it feels like you’re a bit mixing up two perspectives: Not finding our marketing approach convincing. And suggesting there’s no long term strategy for marketing.
I’m not on the marketing team, but I believe there’s a couple foundational decisions for this project in place:
- we want to evoke continuity with the couchsurfing experience. The great experiences we all had on exactly that platform and we want to continue having and enabling others to have.
- So we focus our distinction on getting the things right where couchsurfing the company failed and corrupted the platform:
- building with and for community and supporting community builders
- empowering users to take better care of the platform and themselves, so we don’t have a toxic hook-up culture
- generally offering a transparent and open platform, technically and legally, that will not financially profit a small group while exploiting the dedication of many
That’s why I think the name decision is well aligned with our general strategy. And concerns for comfort are not so central to our messaging right now.