Hi everyone. Here’s the alpha version of the platform. Feel free to go in, make an account, and poke around.
Please don’t set your expectations too high. It’s buggy, it hasn’t been integrated with the design team yet (so it’s a bit clunky and ugly), and it doesn’t have all the features. This is just a rudimentary frontend to test that everything is working behind the hood. It’s just a first look to show what we’ve been up to, and iron out some of the bugs with your feedback.
All data will be wiped several times before the actual launch which is several months away.
I tried to register but it´s not taking any username. I tried long, short, letters with and without numbers, with or without spaces… Not sure what am I doing wrong. Can someone clarify what are the username requirements? Or did I just hit a bug?
Hi everyone !
(I’m not used to write on forums, I guess I’m not in the right section I am already sorryyy about that)
That looks quite promising, congratulation for this hard word. And mostly, Thank You !
About the navigation in the website I think it could be nice to keep the navigation menu bar accessible from every pages.
I mean for instance, in my profile, if I clic on “Notifications” then on the first one which is for me “Earned ‘First Like’”, I see the notification itself and if I want to go back on the list I have no choice but to go and clic on previous page on my browser, this isn’t very smooth navigation. Of course this is just my opinion
Thanks again for the good work.
Can’t login. Both my username (Niek) and my email address are not recognised. Not much else to say.
For some reason I always consider myself a perfect test pilot. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong in my case. Even the simplest of websites throw errors at me. Murphy (he of that law) and I must be related.
The error message is a bit unhelpful here (we’ll change it), but what it’s saying is that you have to be friends with Emily first before you can send a message (just the rule for now). Make sure you add her and she accepts!
Usernames must be lower case (we’ll add a note for that). Unsure why the email isn’t being recognise but see if that fixes it.
I’m just glad you’re here! You’re also in the right place If you have a suggestion that you think could become a new discussion, you can start your own thread. Otherwise, replying here about the alpha is fine!
I can’t send messages to someone I’ve rejected unless I change the status to accepted - is that intentional? I also want to be able to press enter to send messages, if possible!
I got a friend request from someone named @33, I accepted, then I wanted to check their profile. It said the profile did not exist.
As there will be a dedicated process for verification, I’d suggest not requiring verifiably accurate information at the initial signup (like birthday right now, or possibly family name). I think we should signal good data economy (only asking for stictly necessary data) from the start and ask for data to be verified at the right time, that is at verification.
Could even make verification more distinguished if unverified profile just don’t show age at all.